January 2015

Reflecting on Soweto Looting: Suffer Little Children


The revolution devours its children, in many a society the children are the direct victims of social upheaval and dis-functionality.  In 1976 Soweto children in South Africa went on the rampage to protest about the government system of poor education for Black children; police responded by shooting live ammunition; the youngest and first victim of the protest was one Hector Peterson, he was only 13 years old.

In the 1980s   the social and political scenario was on fire; children once again were devoured by the chaos. One child Stomie Moekesti became a symbol of the devoured children. The police detained him when he was only 12 years old. He became a member of the infamous Mandela United Football club, but he did not play soccer. Instead the group was known more as the bodyguard of Mrs. Nelson Mandela. It is this same group that is alleged to have killed him because he was accused of and suspected to be a police informant. 



January 27, 2015

Filipino Oblate Reflects on Pope’s Visit in NCR Story: “Pope Francis’ Visit to the Philippines Spoke to Filipinos Heart-to-Heart”


Pope Francis deeply touched the many Filipinos who came in droves to see the pope who loves children and poor people, embraces the sick and suffering, and speaks to them heart-to-heart.

According to Francis, he was also moved by the people he met. On an in-flight interview on his return to Rome from Manila, the pope said his visit to Tacloban -- Typhoon Haiyan's ground zero -- was the most moving experience of his Jan. 15-19 pastoral visit to the Philippines.



January 26, 2015

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