The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Partnering with Laity

 Forms of Association with the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

“The charism of St. Eugene de Mazenod is a gift of the Spirit to the Church,
and it radiates throughout the world. Lay people recognize
that they are called to share in the charism according to their state in life…”

                                                                                                                     – O.M.I. Constitutions and Rules # 37 a & b

Oblate Associates:

Religious Congregations, such as the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, come into existence to share a gift, or special talent, given by God for the benefit of others. In Christian terms we understand this gift given by God’s Spirit for the benefit of the Church and the use of all as a charism.

Associates from around the country and the Anglo-Irish Province during the 2016 National Gathering

Oblate Associates gather regularly in small faith communities of mutual support, to share prayer and meditation, study of the charism and Oblate Spirituality and the personal conversion that is the heart of evangelization.

They strive to live the charism of St. Eugene in the different aspects of their daily lives–family, work, school, business and politics. In particular, they are distinct in that they choose to care for the poor through individual and/or collective works of service. They make an annual retreat/reflection day, and after a period of discernment may choose to make a public commitment. There are no legal or canonical obligations. There are no dues or financial requirements.


The Oblate Partnership:


Group shot from the 2016 De Mazenod Conference

The Missionary Oblate Partnership is a voluntary association of Oblates of Mary Immaculate and  men and women working together to support the Oblate charism of serving the world’s poor.

The goal is to generate resources from Partners and funding institutions for Oblate projects in the US and around the     world but to also give back to these Partners and institutions resources that the Oblates themselves possess: their mission, their spirituality and a targeted, impactful and accountable approach to mission philanthropy.





An employee retreat at King’s House Retreat Center in Belleville, Illinois

There are many men and women employed in Oblate ministries: Oblate communities and parishes, retreat centers, retirement communities, and other ministries who have passed up more lucrative positions because they wish to be a part of the Oblate mission. As the Missionary Oblates believe in the dignity of the human person they have created the office of Mission Enrichment to support the spiritual/emotional lives of the men and women who work along side them.




The Missionary Association of Mary Immaculate is an association of volunteers and/or friends of Oblates, whose purpose is to financially support the missionary efforts of the Congregation. VISIT THE MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION’S WEBSITE


Honorary Oblates:

This is the highest mark of esteem that can be bestowed on a non-Oblate, and expresses the Congregation’s gratitude to a person for their distinguished years of devoted service to the Congregation and its mission in the Church. The person is recommended by the Provincial and named by the Superior General.          VISIT THE HONORARY OBLATE PAGE
