The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Protecting Our Children

“The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate – United States Province (OMI) recognizes that sexual abuse has devastating consequences.  We have become increasingly aware of the effects of this tragic behavior and have developed a steadfast commitment to helping those affected.

If you or someone you know believes that sexual abuse has been committed by an Oblate priest or brother, we urge you to report such behavior immediately by calling toll-free 866-607-7233. Your call will be handled with the strictest confidentiality. Thank you.”

Protegiendo a Nuestros Niños

“Los Misioneros Oblatos de María Inmaculada – Provincia de los Estados Unidos (OMI) reconoce que el abuso sexual tiene consecuencias devastadoras. Nos hemos convertido más conscientes de los efectos de esta conducta trágica y hemos desarrollado un firme compromiso de ayudar a todos los afectados.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce creen que  abuso sexual ha sido cometido por un sacerdote o hermano Oblato, les pedimos que reporten ese  comportamiento de inmediato llamando al número gratuito 866-607-7233. Su llamada será tratada con la más estricta confidencialidad. Gracias.”
