Faith Sharing Encounter 1 : Jesus and the community of Apostles: Jesus as our Center
Faith Sharing Encounter 2: Jesus praying with his Disciples
Faith Sharing Encounter 3: Jesus shares his life with the Apostles in Eucharist
Faith Sharing Encounter 4: St. Eugene calls together his companions
Faith Sharing Encounter 5: The new community: what joy!
Faith Sharing Encounter 6: Relationship between Apostolic Community and Mission
Faith Sharing Encounter 7: Apostolic Community connects us to the poor and calls us to live a simple and poor life.
Faith Sharing Encounter 8: Jesus is abandonded by his apostles
Faith Sharing Encounter 9: Jesus gives his life on the Cross
Faith Sharing Encounter 10: The Community of the First Christians
Faith Sharing Encounter 11: Mary Immaculate is the Mother of the Apostolic Community
Faith Sharing Encounter 12: St Eugene calls Oblates to have one heart and one soul
Faith Sharing Encounter 13: St. Eugene bequeaths charity for his Oblates
Faith Sharing Encounter 14: Oblate mission is lived in and through community
Faith Sharing Encounter 15: Apostolic Community: a place of mutual acceptance and of being responsible and accountable
Faith Sharing Encounter 16: Apostolic Community is witness, evangelization by lived example
Faith Sharing Encounter 17: The Challenge of Perseverance in the First Companions
Faith Sharing Encounter 18: Apostolic Community is a Community of Brothers who Serve
Faith Sharing Encounter 19: Apostolic Community is Missionary
Faith Sharing Encounter 20: Apostolic Community has a Vital Relationship With the Laity
Faith Sharing Encounter 21: Apostolic Community Engenders Life: Vocations
Committee Communications
Faith Sharing Encounter 1: Mary Immaculate: Mother of the Poor
Faith Sharing Encounter 2: Growing into Christ
Faith Sharing Encounter 3: Saint Eugene Transformed Crisis into Opportunities for Ongoing Formation
Faith Sharing Encounter 4: Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Faith Sharing Encounter 5: Pastoral / Missionary Experience: A Formation Forum
Faith Sharing Encounter 6: Jesus Consults His Disciples to Learn From Them
Faith Sharing Encounter 7: The Vow of Poverty and Ongoing Formation
Faith Sharing Encounter 8: Ongoing Formation and Openness to Interculturality
Faith Sharing Encounter 9: Jesus Reveals the Mysteries of the Kingdom
Faith Sharing Encounter 10: Following Christ Into the Paschal Mystery
Faith Sharing Encounter 11: “If priests could be formed…”
Faith Sharing Encounter 12: Forming For Religious Life: Consecrated Life: Community, Vows
Faith Sharing Encounter 13: Life-long Formation: The Youth Are Evangleizing Us
Faith Sharing Encounter 14: Forming for Ministry – With Prisoners
Faith Sharing Encounter 15: Forming for Ministry to Renew the Poor
Faith Sharing Encounter 16: From Nobleman to “Priest and Servant” of the Poor
Faith Sharing Encounter: Introduction to Third Year Faith Encounters
Faith Sharing Encounter 1: Oblate Madonna: Mother and Model of Our Mission
Faith Sharing Encounter 2: The Joy of the Gospel
Faith Sharing Encounter 3: A Church and A Congregation That Goes Forth
Faith Sharing Encounter 4: Urgent Conversion of the Oblate Mission
Faith Sharing Encounter 5: An Oblate Mission Like Mary: A Mother With An Open Heart
Faith Sharing Encounter 6: A Church and Congregation For and With the Poor
Faith Sharing Encounter 7: Oblate Mission: A Concern for the Vulnerable
Faith Sharing Encounter 8: Announcing the Good News to the Poor and With the Poor
Faith Sharing Encounter 9: Oblate Missionary Spirituality Today
Faith Sharing Encounter 10: A Personal Missionary Encounter with Christ
Faith Sharing Encounter 11: The Action of the Resurrection of Christ and His Spirit in the Oblate Mission
Faith Sharing Encounter 12: Oblate Mission: Establish New Relationships Generated by Christ
Faith Sharing Encounter 13: The Oblate Charism at the Service of Authentically Fraternal and Reconciled Communities
Faith Sharing Encounter 14: The Oblate Charism at the Service of Communion That Evangelizes
Faith Sharing Encounter 15: The Laity, People of God as Missionary Disciples
Faith Sharing Encounter 16: Missionary Challenge of Today: No, to Economy of Exclusion; Yes, to An Economy of Communion and Solidarity
Faith Sharing Encounter 17: Missionaries Challenges for Today: No to the Social Disparity That Breeds Violence; Yes to the Ministry of Justice and Peace
Faith Sharing Encounter 18: Social Doctrine of the Church and Distribution of Goods
Faith Sharing Encounter 19: Builders of Peace and Reconciliation
Faith Sharing Encounter 20: Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Dialogue as a Contribution to Peace
Faith Sharing Encounter 21: Oblate Mission: The Challenges of the Inculturation of the Faith
Faith Sharing Encounter 22: Oblate Missionary Preaching: Bringing the Good News to Inspire and Empower
Faith Sharing Encounter 23: Oblate Missionary Liturgy and Popular Piety
Faith Sharing Encounter 24: Oblate Mission: Personal and Communitarian Accompaniment
Faith Sharing Encounter 25: Mary, Star of the New Evangelization
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate