The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Oblate Triennium

 200 Years of Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate              Faith Sharing Encounters

To “fan the flame” of Oblate life and mission in anticipation of the 36th General Chapter and the 200th Anniversary of the Congregation






Committee Communications

Faith Sharing Encounter 1 : Jesus and the community of Apostles: Jesus as our Center

Faith Sharing Encounter 2: Jesus praying with his Disciples

Faith Sharing Encounter 3: Jesus shares his life with the Apostles in Eucharist

Faith Sharing Encounter 4: St. Eugene calls together his companions

Faith Sharing Encounter 5: The new community: what joy!

Faith Sharing Encounter 6: Relationship between Apostolic Community and Mission

Faith Sharing Encounter 7: Apostolic Community connects us to the poor and calls us to live a simple and poor life.

Faith Sharing Encounter 8: Jesus is abandonded by his apostles

Faith Sharing Encounter 9: Jesus gives his life on the Cross

Faith Sharing Encounter 10: The Community of the First Christians

Faith Sharing Encounter 11: Mary Immaculate is the Mother of the Apostolic Community

Faith Sharing Encounter 12: St Eugene calls Oblates to have one heart and one soul

Faith Sharing Encounter 13: St. Eugene bequeaths charity for his Oblates

Faith Sharing Encounter 14: Oblate mission is lived in and through community

Faith Sharing Encounter 15: Apostolic Community: a place of mutual acceptance and of being responsible and accountable

Faith Sharing Encounter 16: Apostolic Community is witness, evangelization by lived example

Faith Sharing Encounter 17: The Challenge of Perseverance in the First Companions

Faith Sharing Encounter 18: Apostolic Community is a Community of Brothers who Serve

Faith Sharing Encounter 19: Apostolic Community is Missionary

Faith Sharing Encounter 20: Apostolic Community has a Vital Relationship With the Laity

Faith Sharing Encounter 21: Apostolic Community Engenders Life: Vocations


Faith Sharing Encounters Year 2

The Second Year of Our Oblate Triennium: Formation and Our Vow of Poverty

Committee Communications

Faith Sharing Encounter 1: Mary Immaculate: Mother of the Poor

Faith Sharing Encounter 2: Growing into Christ

Faith Sharing Encounter 3: Saint Eugene Transformed Crisis into Opportunities for Ongoing Formation

Faith Sharing Encounter 4:  Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Faith Sharing Encounter 5: Pastoral / Missionary Experience: A Formation Forum

Faith Sharing Encounter 6: Jesus Consults His Disciples to Learn From Them

Faith Sharing Encounter 7: The Vow of Poverty and Ongoing Formation

Faith Sharing Encounter 8: Ongoing Formation and Openness to Interculturality

Faith Sharing Encounter 9: Jesus Reveals the Mysteries of the Kingdom

Faith Sharing Encounter 10: Following Christ Into the Paschal Mystery

Faith Sharing Encounter 11: “If  priests could be formed…”

Faith Sharing Encounter 12: Forming For Religious Life: Consecrated Life: Community, Vows

Faith Sharing Encounter 13: Life-long Formation: The Youth Are Evangleizing Us

Faith Sharing Encounter 14:  Forming for Ministry – With Prisoners

Faith Sharing Encounter 15: Forming for Ministry to Renew the Poor

Faith Sharing Encounter 16:   From Nobleman to “Priest and Servant” of the Poor

Faith Sharing Encounters Year 3

Third Year of the Oblate Triennium: Mission, Vow of Obedience and Evangelii Gaudium

Committee Communications

Faith Sharing Encounter: Introduction to Third Year Faith Encounters

Faith Sharing Encounter 1: Oblate Madonna: Mother and Model of Our Mission

Faith Sharing Encounter 2: The Joy of the Gospel

Faith Sharing Encounter 3: A Church and A Congregation That Goes Forth

Faith Sharing Encounter 4: Urgent Conversion of the Oblate Mission

Faith Sharing Encounter 5:  An Oblate Mission Like Mary: A Mother With An Open Heart

Faith Sharing Encounter 6: A Church and Congregation For and With the Poor

Faith Sharing Encounter 7:  Oblate Mission: A Concern for the Vulnerable

Faith Sharing Encounter 8: Announcing the Good News to the Poor and With the Poor

Faith Sharing Encounter 9: Oblate Missionary Spirituality Today

Faith Sharing Encounter 10: A Personal Missionary Encounter with Christ

Faith Sharing Encounter 11: The Action of the Resurrection of Christ and His Spirit in the Oblate Mission

Faith Sharing Encounter 12: Oblate Mission: Establish New Relationships Generated by Christ

Faith Sharing Encounter 13: The Oblate Charism at the Service of Authentically Fraternal and Reconciled Communities

Faith Sharing Encounter 14: The Oblate Charism at the Service of Communion That Evangelizes

Faith Sharing Encounter 15: The Laity, People of God as Missionary Disciples

Faith Sharing Encounter 16: Missionary Challenge of Today: No, to Economy of Exclusion; Yes, to An Economy of Communion and Solidarity

Faith Sharing Encounter 17: Missionaries Challenges for Today: No to the Social Disparity That Breeds Violence; Yes to the Ministry of Justice and Peace

Faith Sharing Encounter 18: Social Doctrine of the Church and Distribution of Goods

Faith Sharing Encounter 19: Builders of Peace and Reconciliation

Faith Sharing Encounter 20: Inter-Religious and Inter-Cultural Dialogue as a Contribution to Peace

Faith Sharing Encounter 21: Oblate Mission: The Challenges of the Inculturation of the Faith

Faith Sharing Encounter 22: Oblate Missionary Preaching: Bringing the Good News to Inspire and Empower

Faith Sharing Encounter 23: Oblate Missionary Liturgy and Popular Piety

Faith Sharing Encounter 24: Oblate Mission: Personal and Communitarian Accompaniment

Faith Sharing Encounter 25: Mary, Star of the New Evangelization

List of the Faith Sharing Encounters
