The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

DC Council Sponsors Tour of 3-Part Harmony Farm


Thanks to Fr. Séamus Finn , OMI and Janice Cooke

On Friday October 18, DC Council member and Farm Policy Commitee Vice-chair, Zachary Parker sponsored the District of Columbia Farm Tour.

This year’s farm tour included several sites showcasing some of the District of Columbia’s diverse, urban agriculture initiatives and enterprises, and the expertise, entrepreneurialism, collaboration and partnerships supporting the farms, gardens, and food businesses that participants will visit. The tour began at 10 AM at the Three-Part Harmony Farm.

Vice-chair Parker welcomed to the District of Columbia’s Ward 5 the assembled participants and introduced the first speaker and host, Gail Taylor, owner of Three-Part Harmony Farm. Ms. Taylor conducted a tour of the farm, which is on land owned by the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. She provided an overview of her business, including land she also leases and farms in Prince George’s County. She also discussed community engagement, DC regulatory changes, funding, partnerships, urban-rural connections, and farming in an era of extreme weather and climate change.

Enjoying the event are: Bro. Jean Emmanuel Meloncourt, Fr. Séamus Finn & Bro. Benoit Dosquet

More than 65 people came to visit Three-part Harmony Farm and our property here at 391, this was a great opportunity to talk about the Missionary Oblate’s presence on this property since 1917 and tell the story of the more than 10-year partnership that we have enjoyed with the farm. Ms. Taylor gave a wonderful presentation on that story and answered questions from the assembled group on how they might expand organic gardening, rooftop, gardening and building community supported gardens in their jurisdiction.

The weather provided a beautiful 75° fall day for them to take a tour of the garden and to witness the variety of vegetables that are continuing to be harvested on a weekly basis.

According to Fr. the Séamus Finn, Director of OMIUSA JPIC, “The garden witnesses to the Oblate commitment to implementing the encyclical, Laudato Sí, wherein Pope Francis called all of us to care for the planet and to care for the poor. The garden at 391 clearly demonstrates that commitment and its inclusive hospitality and outreach to the many who live in the Brookland neighborhood. It has also brought the Oblate charism to life and written a new chapter of our historic presence on this land. This gathering, with so many political leaders and public officials from the greater Washington area at the close of this year ‘s Season of Creation celebration also helps encourage new initiatives of both religious and civic Communities in the area.”

The attached video below was produced by Janice Cooke, please enjoy the video and celebrate this great event with the surrounding area and the local community here on Michigan Avenue

Click here to see the video
