Missionary Oblates Break New Ground
New Orleans, LA

By Fr. Bill Mason, OMI
It is part of the understanding of being a missionary to break new ground in pastoral areas of ministry. For the past ten years the Missionary Oblates have accepted the pastoral responsibility of St. Augustine Parish in New Orleans, LA. Founded in 1841, St. Augustine is the oldest African American Catholic Parish in the United States.
Ten years ago, a former Pastor, Fr. Jerome LaDoux, SVD, created a shrine on the side of the church dedicated to “The Tomb of the Unknown Slave.” Similar to the meaning of the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier,” the Tomb of the Unknown Slave is dedicated to those who died ignominious fates during the American slave trade, their deaths remaining unnamed and unmarked. Located in the Treme neighborhood of New Orleans, this shrine honors the numbers of graves that have been unearthed in this area.

The members of today would like to create a devotion remembering the suffering endured by these women and men. Besides people of African descent, this shrine also remembers those Native Americans who lost their lives trying to escape an oppressive system. Since it is a shrine of a “tomb,” our devotion will include remembrance of our ancestors on whose shoulders we stand and from whom we have benefitted by their hard work. Since it is a shrine dedicated to unknown slaves, our devotion will also include prayers for healing, both personal healing and civic healing.

We plan to start this devotion on Saturday, November 16th during the month Catholic tradition remembers our deceased. In trying to make the Shrine of the Unknown Slave more known, we want to give the opportunity to a wider group of people of faith to participate. As a supporter of the Oblate mission in the US, we invite you to send in names of your ancestors and family and friends who are in need of healing. This devotion is one of intercessory prayer. We will be calling on our ancestors to intercede with God to help heal the divisions that exist in our country, our church and in our families.
If God’s Spirit is moving you to participate in this devotion, please send in any names you would like to be prayed for to: St. Augustine Church, 1210 Gov. Nicholls St., New Orleans, LA 70116. In anticipation of your participation, we express to you our common bond of faith to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth as in heaven,