The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.
Oblates Celebrate Jubilees in Belleville
Belleville, IL
Posted on September 21, 2024
By Will Shaw
Jubilarians in attendance (L-R) Fr. Dale Schlitt, Fr. Thomas Hayes, Fr. Robert Morin, Fr. James Allen, Fr. David Uribe, Fr. Henry (Hank) Lemoncelli(Not in attendance, Fr. Andrew Knop)
Oblates, friends and relatives gathered at the Church of Our Lady of the Snows on the grounds of the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows on September 16, 2024, in Belleville, IL, to celebrate the Jubilee Anniversaries of seven men. Though one was not able to be in Belleville for the event, the rest were there for the celebratory Mass and gala dinner afterwards.
Jubilarian Fathers James Allen and David Uribe were homilist and celebrant, respectively, and the reading and Gospel were read by Jubilarian Fathers, Thomas Hayes and Hank Lemoncelli.
Also on hand for the celebration was the leadership of the U.S. Province: U.S. Provincial, Fr. Raymond Cook, Vicars-provincial Fathers Antonio Ponce and Emmanuel Mulenga, Treasurer, Fr. James Chambers and Councilors, Fr. Quilin Bouzi, Fr. Juan Gaspar, Fr. Salvador Gonzalez, and Fr. Ray John Marek, all in-town for a meeting of the Provincial Council. The Jubilarians were also honored by the presence of the Most Rev. Michael McGovern, Bishop of the Diocese of Belleville.
After the Mass all were invited to the King’s House at the Shrine Visitor’s Center for an elegant dinner prepared by the culinary staff of King’s House at the Shrine.
Prior to the Mass, the Bishop of Belleville, Most Rev. Michael McGovern (L) was greeted by the Oblate Provincial, Very Rev. Raymond Cook, OMI
Fr. David Uribe begins the Mass with fellow Jubilaran Fathers Tom Hayes (L) and Hank Lemoncelli (R)The new novices were in attendance along with Oblate Formators, Frank Kuczera, Salvador Gonzalez and Bro. George LitiyaJubilarian Father Jim Allen’s homily was well-received
After Mass all the Oblates and Novices in attendance posed for a group photo with the Bishop.
The large crowd gathered for the celebration
(L-R) Vicar-provincial Fr. Emmanuel Mulenga, Provincial Fr. Ray Cook, Bishop Michael McGovern, Vicar-provincial Fr. Antonio Ponce, U.S. Treasurer, Fr. Jim Chambers(L-R) Provincial Exec. Asst., Sandee Richards, USP Support Office Mgr., Lori Kelly, Bro. George Litiya, Fr. Quilin Bouzi, Fr. Salvador GonzalezOblate Associates were invited to celebrate with the Oblates. Here with Bro. Tom Ruhmann, OMI (standing) are (L-R) Sandy Lukowsky, Dorothy Glatz, Nancy Isselhard, Juliana Painter, and Rose Mary Steuer(L-R) Sr. Mary John Baricevic, SSND, Sr. Marichui Bringas, CCVI, Hispanic Ministry Coordinator at the Shrine, Deacon Doug Boyer, Fr. Juan Gaspar, OMI(L-R) Jubilarian, Fr. Dale Schlitt, Fr. Greg Cholewa, Fr. Ray John Marek, Bro. Pat McGee, Fr. Tom Killeen
(L-R) Oblate employee, Mike Viola, Honorary Oblates, Sandy Weck, Betty Rule, Bro. Tom Ruhmann, Fr. Harold Fisher
(L-R) Shrine Director, Fr. Michael Powell, Oblate employees, Billy Kauling, Amanda Shore, Beth Mertz, Fr. David Uribe, Director of MAMI
Oblate Fathers, George Knab (L) and Jubilarian, Hank Lemoncelli(L-R) Jubilarian, Fr. Jim Allen, Novices, Edwin Silwimba and Eliakim Mbenda, and Fr. Victor Patricio-Silva