Archbishop of Dhaka: More than 1 million people’s homes are under water
Vatican News
Originally Published by Vatican News, with Thanks to Fr. James Allen, OMI

Archbishop Bejoy N. D’Cruze, OMI, of Dhaka, Bangladesh, warns of the rising death toll and immense suffering following floods affecting 5 million people, and tells Vatican News about the ongoing suffering of the Rohingya, who, despite their sorrow, are grateful to the Pope for his personal closeness.
By Deborah Castellano Lubov
“He has great love, and has shown his concern and solidarity with the Rohingyas. Pope Francis is very close to us. He loves us and he prays for us.”
In a wide-ranging interview with Vatican News, Archbishop Bejoy N. D’Cruze, OMI, of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and President of the Bishops’ Conference of Bangladesh, offered this viewpoint,