What is the Season of Creation?
Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation
Originally Published on OMIUSAJPIC.ORG
Pope Francis calls for a World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation
By: Bishop Michael Pfeifer, O.M.I, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of San Angelo
The Season of Creation is an ecumenical monthlong moment of prayerful reflection and celebration which began several years ago and calls us to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. During this Season we join together as sisters and brothers of a universal family in prayer and action to renew our appreciation, our commitment, and our care and activities to protect and bring new life to Mother Earth, our Common Home, as we thank our loving God for the beautiful gift of all creation.
The theme for this Season of Creation is “To Hope and Act with Creation” and it is also the theme designated by Pope Francis for the World Day of Prayer of Creation which takes place on September 1st , the first day of the annual Season of Creation, which will end on October 4th , the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. Francis is the Patron Saint of ecology and is beloved by many Christian and other denominations. Pope Francis in the statement Laudato Si calls Mother Earth, our Common Home, that we will pass on to the next generations. Pope Francis’ World Day of Prayer focuses on thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father for the beautiful gift of all of creation, and asking God’s continuing blessings on this wonderful gift