Inside Perspective of JPIC Assembly from General Councilor

OMI JPIC Annual Assembly

By Rev. James P. Brobst, OMI, General Councilor, Canada & U.S. Region

Fr. Jim Brobst, OMI

Our Missionary Oblate congregation’s General Committee for Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation is meeting this week at the General House for our annual in-person assembly. A significant portion of our meeting is dedicated to the issues of migration and refugees. While many Oblates around the world engage in direct ministry with migrants and refugees, the congregation does not currently have a coordinated response to immigration.  We will begin to address this in the coming months.  This morning, we reflected under the direction of Ms. Catalina Hinojosa L., of the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission for the International Union of Superiors General.  We were joined by our own Superior General, as well as members of the General House Studium Generale, members of the International Roman Scholasticate, and by our neighboring congregations of Benedictine Sisters and the Missionaries of Africa. A synodal process was used to receive, reflect upon, and find possible future direction for ministry with immigrants and refugees, after engaging with the excellent presentation by Ms. Hinojosa.

For more about this assembly, click here to see, “OMI-JPIC Annual Assembly 2024 – Reflecting, Sharing, and Advancing Together” from OMIWORLD.ORG
