Oblates Welcome Four Men to Novitiate
Oblate Novitiate Godfrey, IL
By Will Shaw
On Saturday, August 17, 2024, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Novitiate in Godfrey, IL welcomed Oblates and guests to witness the Rite of Receiving Candidates into the Novitiate. Four young men from Namibia, Zambia, and the exotic state of New Jersey made their commitment to pray, study and to continue their discernment for a year.
U.S. Vicar-provincial, Fr. Emmanuel Mulenga, OMI officiated at the ceremony in which Oblate formators, Fr. Frank Kuzcera, OMI (Novice Director), Fr. Salvador Gonzalez, OMI and Oblate Brother George Litiya also participated.
Meet the New Novices
Alfred Lungu, Age 31 from Petauke, Zambia
Eliakim Mbenda, Age 28, from Windhoek, Namibia
Michael Katona, Age 24 from Voorhees, NJ, USA
Edwin Silwimba, Age 23 from Mongu, Zambia