81st Annual Healing and Hope Novena to Our Lady of the Snows July 28th-August 5th, 2024
Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows
Originally Published on snows.org

Annual Healing and Hope Novena to Our Lady of the Snows
July 28th-August 5th, 2024
The Bible stands as the foundational source of our faith, revered for being written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit with God as its author. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not only given to us by Spirit, but in it, we receive eternal life. This sacred text calls us to engage with the Word of God, viewing it not just as scripture but as a dynamic source of life, strengthening our connection with the Lord on a deeply personal level. Through prayer, song, and meditation, we establish a profound communion with our Creator.
In the vast tapestry of the Bible, numerous models inspire us, with the Blessed Mother standing out as a favorite for many Catholics. As members of the Christian family, we are blessed with our Heavenly Mother, Mary, to whom we can always turn. Mary’s profound encounter with and experience of the Lord stem from her acceptance of the Word of God. Her unwavering belief in the power of God’s Word, as articulated in the gospel according to St. Luke (1:45) – “Blessed is she who believed that the Lord’s words to her would be fulfilled,” sets her apart. Mother Mary’s blessed status arises from her hearing, believing, and living her life in accordance with God’s will.
During our 81st Healing and Hope Novena to Our Lady of the Snows, we will embark on a reflective journey exploring Mary’s role in the Gospels through various incidents in her life. This journey begins at the Annunciation, delving into the pivotal moments where the Word of God directed her Spirit and Life!
Sunday, July 28
Presider – Fr. David Uribe, OMI
The Annunciation
Monday, July 29
Presider – Fr. Mike Powell, OMI
The Visitation
Tuesday, July 30
Presider – Fr. Jim Fee, OMI
The Magnificat
Wednesday, July 31
Presider – Fr. Victor Patricio, OMI
The Presentation Bilingual Night
Thursday, August 1
Presider – Fr. Mark Dean, OMI
The Flight into Egypt
Friday, August 2
Presider – Fr. Ray Cook, OMI
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
Saturday, August 3
Presider – Fr. Chava Gonzalez, OMI
Mary at the Wedding in Cana Bilingual Night
Anointing of the Sick
Sunday, August 4
Presider – The Most Reverend Michael McGovern
Mary at the foot of the Cross of Jesus
Monday, August 5
Presider – Fr. Mike Powell, OMI
Mary at Pentecost