The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Rethinking Our Mission: General Mission Committee Meets

Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG

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The General Mission Committee held its 2nd Zoom meeting of the year on Saturday, July 20, 2024.

Raymond MWANGALA, Assistant General for Mission, chaired the meeting from the General House in Rome. Thierry SIMO (Africa-Madagascar) participated from Cameroun, Romeo SANIEL (Asia-Oceania) from the Philippines, Antonio MESSERI (Latin America) from Uruguay and Bogdan OSIECKI (Canada-US) from Poland, where he is on home leave.

A moment of communion and fraternity

The meeting started with members discussing their personal experiences since their last gathering, giving everyone a glimpse into the diverse challenges and initiatives they’re dealing with. Simo talked about his struggles with connectivity. Saniel painted a vivid picture of the devastating floods in the Philippines. Messeri shared his worries about the rising drug crisis and violence in Uruguay. While Osiecki shared about his participation in a meeting in Aix-en-Provence focusing on the Oblates’ Constitutions and Rules, followed by a joint session in Washington, D.C. Raymond shared insights from the last Orientation Session of Major Superiors in Rome, his visit to OMI Lacombe in Canada, and the same joint session Osiecki attended. The sharing was a moment of communion and fraternity.

Rethinking Our Mission Today: Thoughts for Reflection and Discussion

Next on the agenda was a discussion of Raymond’s reflection paper, “Rethinking Our Mission Today: Thoughts for Reflection and Discussion.” The paper brought attention to important demographic changes within the Congregation, like the aging population and decreasing numbers in some areas, while also highlighting growth in the global south. The committee considered what these shifts mean and how the congregation can adapt. It was clear that more study, reflection, and dialogue are necessary. Everyone agreed that renewing the Congregation’s missionary identity is vital for staying relevant and credible, both today and in the years to come.

The meeting ended with practical information about the agenda for their next gathering and planning for an in-person meeting in 2025.
