The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Series 1| Entering the Forest of Aging | Forest Dwelling

Oblate School of Theology

Originally Published on OST.EDU.ORG

Tuesday, July 9

Join us as we delve into the challenges and beauty of growing older, exploring the wisdom and resilience found in the forest of aging.

By Oblate School of Theology

Tuesday, July 9 · 7 – 7:15pm CDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 15 minutes

Series 1 | Tuesdays in July | 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th | Online | Free

Series 1 – Entering the Forest of Aging: Something to Get You Started

This is the first in a multi-part series exploring the spirituality of aging. In this part of the journey, Dr. Maggie Meigs will help you to situate yourself in this later season of life. Things have changed, and with it there is an invitation to find new meanings and purpose. She will touch on your relationship with the biological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual changes which signal an invitation to live differently in this last stage of life. What are your fears of the diminishments that accompany aging, and what spiritual gifts are made possible at the same time?

Over the course of the next few months, Dr. Maggie Meigs, Director of the Forest Dwelling Program, will release a series of 4 free sets of short recorded talks which correspond to the 4 phases of the program – Entering the ForestWandering in the ForestDiscovering in the Forest; and Emerging from the Forest. She will give you a “taste” of what the program offers, and trust that it will become food for your spiritual growth. Each series will consist of three pre-recorded videos released Tuesdays July 9, 16, and 23, and culminate with a LIVE Zoom group session Tuesday, July 30 at 7:15 pm CDT to delve into the series material.

As in the Forest Dwelling Program, we will use art, poetry, and both contemporary spirituality writings and the best of secular work to explore this journey of transformation. Our program is ecumenical in nature, and all are welcome to attend.

Series 1 Dates

  • July 9th (Video 1 Release via Email)
  • July 16th (Video 2 Release via Email)
  • July 23rd (Video 3 Release via Email)
  • July 30th @ 6:00 – 7:15PM (LIVE Zoom Discussion of Series 1)

Program Description

The Forest Dwelling Program: Spirituality for Our Wisdom Years was brought to life in 2019 by Fr Ron Rolheiser, OMI and his dedicated team in response to the need for a container in which to cultivate maturing spirituality. This program grew out of their vision. Forest Dwelling is a 2-year transformational certificate program which provides the opportunity to journey into the heart of the aging process to become wise elders, not just old people. Our aim is to help you live into the diminishments of aging in such a way that you live your last precious years with more grace, an open heart, and a deeper awareness of the presence of God. This allows you to leave behind a spiritual legacy that is fruitful and life-giving.

Some may want to explore the idea of signing up for the full Forest Dwelling experience, while others may wish to simply savor and digest these short offerings. Please feel free to share these recordings with others, perhaps even gathering together a small group of interested friends or church family to listen and discuss the recordings. She will also offer a Live Discussion at the end of each series to gather, ask questions, and share.

Those who enroll in the full Forest Dwelling experience will dive deeply into the spirituality of aging with our core faculty – Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI, Rev. Mary Earle, and Dr Marilyn McEntyre – as well as our invited speakers. To learn more please visit:
