The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.
Late US Oblate Honored for Ministry in Brazil
Posted on May 1, 2024
From a Face Book post suggested by Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI
In this undated photo from OMIWORLD we see (L-R) Jim (Jaime) KOHMETSCHER, OMI; Archbishop Dom Helder Camera; Lorenzo Rosebaugh, OMI; Bruce Heit, OMI.
“He was known for his zealous dedication to the poor, to struggling with them to obtain better living conditions such as housing, medical care, schooling, protection against violence, clean water to the neighborhoods, and was a welcoming pastor who promoted lay participation, youth ministry, formation of lay leaders and catechists, Bible reflection groups, vocational animation.
He was a man of prayer who witnessed to the importance of our commitment to the daily Eucharist and the hour of silent prayer that is a part of Oblate life.
He was a contemplative missionary: a man of action, of hard work, and a man of God, who was his intimate friend.– Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI
Facebook post:
A man totally dedicated to the people, especially to the poor who himself lived extremely simply and joyfully.”
Father Jaime Kohmetscher was a priest belonging to the North American congregation of the Oblates Missionaries of Mary Immaculate, initially distinguished in his active participation in basic ecclesiastical movements. He was also responsible for the creation of Couples Meetings with Christ in Pernambuco. Adept of the foundations of Liberation Theology, in his sermons the priest emphasized the social role of the Church in the transformations of the world, and in the construction of citizenship. For his social work, he received from the Chamber, in September 2017, the title of Recifensive Citizen.
Father Jaime’s trajectory can be mistaken for the history of the community of Brasília Teimosa, and of Pina. He has always been fighting for improving the living conditions of the people. Father Jaime was not only a priest, but above all a great friend. Every year he actively participated in the Cry of the Excluded and with his great energy he ended up encouraging many young people to follow him in his purposes”, Eduardo Chera said.
Born in 1926, the priest was a victim of cerebral ischemia in 2004, and died in the city of Goiânia, in Goiás, where he had been transferred about two months ago.
Our Parish will be present at the well-deserved homage to the one who is considered the Father of Human Rights in the State of Pernambuco.
A translation of the Portuguese text on the poster below reads:
“Discourse of the Councilwoman, Liana Cirne, to receive the vote of applause in memory of Father Jaime Kohmetscher In recognition of his notable priestly commitment, highlighting his struggle to improve the living conditions of the people of Brasilia Teimosia.
April 29, from 10 AM.
In the Plenary Session of the City Hall of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Liana”