The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Oblate Spring Assembly in San Antonio

A Facebook post from April 9, said it all: “Pray for the Missionary Oblates of the US Province gathering this week for the Province Spring Assembly. Praised be Jesus Christ! And Mary Immaculate.”

The U.S. Oblate Province is having its Spring Assembly April 9, and 10, at the Whitley Center on the campus of Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. No doubt the Very Rev. Raymond Cook will be filling in the group on his busy first six months as provincial, along with some ideas for his next six months (and beyond.)

From the photos, it looks like most of the men from the province are there in person, but for those who’s schedule did not allow them to travel, the assembly is being live streamed to Oblates around the country.

Father Provincial addresses the gathering

Many Oblates enjoy the rare opportunity to visit with men from around the country they seldom get to see.