Diaconate Ordination of Four Oblate Scholastics in San Antonio
San Antonio, TX
By Fr. Arun William Rozario, OMI

April 6th, 2024 was an important day for the Blessed Mario Borzaga Formation Community. On that day Scholastics David Peter Lombe Chisha OMI, Joseph Anaguedeu Dogo OMI, Jacques-Marie Liba OMI, and Maximilien Kolbe Parfait Kenfack-Meizang OMI, along with the four Franciscans namely Friar Franck-Lino Sokpolie, OFM Conv., Friar Pedro Lopez, OFM Conv, and Friar Noé Alfaro Casas, OFM were ordained deacons.
The solemn Mass was held at the National Basilica of Little Flower in San Antonio at 10:00 am. It was presided over by Bishop Gary Janak, the Auxiliary Bishop of San Antonio.

Fr. Martin Day, OFM, Conv. Provincial of Our Lady of Consolation Province, Fr. Michael Heine, OFM, Conv. Provincial of Our Lady of the Angels Province, Fr. Antonio Ponce OMI, the Vicar Provincial, Fr. Juan Gaspar OMI, Scholasticate Superior, Fr. Paul Schloemer OFM Conv., Superior of San Damiano Friary, Oblate and Franciscan Formators, Spiritual directors of the deacon candidates, Oblates from the area, Franciscans, visiting clergy, professors of Oblates School of Theology, Religious men and women, family members, friends and many lay people attended the ceremony.

During his homily, Bishop Gary highlighted the service of the deacons in the church. He invited the new deacons to be humble, perpetual students of the theology of subtraction, willing to decrease so that Christ can increase in us. Referring to the lives of St. Francis and St. Eugene, he urged the new deacons to be men of prayer and service. “Receive the Gospel of Christ, whose herald you have become. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.” By these words from the ritual of handing on the Book of Gospels Bishop Gary reminded the new deacons to be preachers of the Word of God in words and actions.
It was a day of thanksgiving for the Blessed Mario Borzaga Formation Community. The whole community had individual and communal preparation for this day.

Scholastics Chisha, Max, Dogo, and Liba had their diaconate retreat at Oblate La Parra Center in Sarita, Texas from March 5-10. Fr. David Ullrich, OMI was the retreat master.

The day before the diaconate ordination (on April 5), the community had its retreat. Fr. Ron LaFramboise, OMI preached on ‘Life in the Spirit.’ The retreat ended with the Eucharist where four deacon candidates made their Profession of Faith and the Oath of Fidelity in front of Fr. Juan Gaspar, the Superior, and the entire community.
Here is a short bio of each the newly ordained deacons.
David Peter Lombe CHISHA

The newly ordained Deacon David Chisha is from the Delegation of Zambia. After completing his philosophical studies in Zambia, he joined the Novitiate in Godfrey, Illinois in 2018. He made his First Vows in 2019. Then he came to the Blessed Mario Borzaga Formation Community in 2019 to do his theological studies. He made his Perpetual Vows in San Antonio on December 8, 2023. He is finishing his studies at the Oblate School of Theology this May. At the end of his studies, he will be returning to the Delegation of Zambia.
The newly ordained Deacon Dogo is from Cameroon. He entered the Pre-Novitiate in Cameroon in 2014.

Having finished his Pre-Novitiate and Novitiate in Cameroon, he made his First Vows in 2016. He did his philosophical studies in Cameroon and a year of internship in Nigeria. He came to the USA in 2021 to complete his theological studies at the Oblate School of Theology being at Blessed Mario Borzaga Formation Community. He made his Perpetual Vows in San Antonio on December 8th. He will complete his theological studies at the Oblate School of Theology next year (May, 2025).
Jacques Marie LIBA

The newly ordained Deacon Liba is from Chad. He entered the Pre-Novitiate in Cameroon in 2014. In 2015 Libas was admitted to the Novitiate at Blessed Joseph Gerard of Ngaoundere in Cameroon, and in August 2016 he professed his First Vows. He studied philosophy in Yaoundé, Cameroon. He eventually traveled to Nigeria for his internship. He came to the USA in 2021 to complete his theological studies at the Oblate School of Theology being at Blessed Mario Borzaga Formation Community. He made his Perpetual Vows in San Antonio on December 8th. He will complete his theological studies at the Oblate School of Theology next year (May, 2025).
Maximilien Kolbe Parfait KENFACK-MEIZANG
The newly ordained Deacon Max is from Cameroon. He entered the Pre-Novitiate in Cameroon in 2014.

Having finished his Pre-Novitiate and Novitiate in Cameroon, he made his First Vows in 2016. He did his philosophical studies in Cameroon. He came to the USA in 2021 to complete his theological studies at the Oblate School of Theology being at Blessed Mario Borzaga Formation Community. He made his Perpetual Vows in San Antonio on December 8th. He will complete his theological studies at the Oblate School of Theology next year (May, 2025).