The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Rome: The Central Government Gathers for the Plenary Session

General Administration

Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG

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By Antoni BOCHM, OMI, Vicar General

The members of the Central Government are preparing themselves to start another Plenary Session, which will be held in Rome from April 8 to May 10, 2024.

From the last Plenary Session

The time after the last Plenary Session was very busy, especially with visiting different units in the Africa-Madagascar region and later with the Joint Session held in Dakar, Senegal (March 18-23). When we returned to Rome, we experienced the beautiful celebration of the Pascal Triduum and Easter with the members of the General House community. Right after Easter, some of us participated in the meetings of different general committees (Youth, Finance, and CCRR) held in Rome.

On the Agenda

The agenda for the coming plenary session is ready. We will start this time by celebrating the Mass to the Holy Spirit on Monday, April 8, 2024. Usually, the agenda starts with a presentation of the personal reports, in which we present our activities from the last session. This is the time and opportunity to discuss any matters arising from our encounters during the different visits and activities.

Major topics of this Plenary Session

What will be the main topics of the coming Plenary Session? The appointment of three provincial councils, discussion on restructuring in our Congregation, preparation for the next Joint Session in the Canada-US region, two days’ workshop on Interculturality led by Peter Claver Narh, SVD, meeting with Graciela Etchard on the fundraising, meeting with Father Thomas BANG, on the protection of minors and vulnerable person. There will also be a discussion on the results of the annual audit of the finances, which are under the responsibility of the General Administration.
An important part of the session will be dedicated to preparing different formation sessions proposed by the Central Government. The internal committees (leadership, formation, mission, and finances) do significant work, especially regarding implementing the Chapter mandates.

A unique time for the Central Government to pray, reflect, and build tighter fraternal bonds

The plenary session is a time for us to work and pray together. It is a unique time for the Central Government to pray, reflect, and build tighter fraternal bonds. This year, we have invited sister Geni Dos Santos from the Congregation of the Holy Family of Bordeaux to lead our spiritual retreat.
During all Plenary Sessions, we try to have one excursion; last time, we went to Anagni, the medieval town called the Town of Popes; we will see what the social committee will propose this time.
I ask you to accompany us, especially during this Plenary session, with your prayer.
