The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Civil Society Unites to Address Triple Planetary Crisis


Originally Published on OMIUSA JPIC


During UNEA6’s second day on February 27th, a pivotal event titled “Civil Society Unites to Address Triple Planetary Crisis” convened at UNEP headquarters. Stakeholders recognized the urgent need to combat biodiversity loss, pollution, and climate change. Panelists, representing both Brooke and World Animal Protection, emphasized innovative solutions, urging collective action.

Civil society organizations, including Brooke and World Animal Protection, gathered, emphasizing the global relevance of addressing biodiversity loss, pollution, and climate change. Through insightful discussions, stakeholders highlighted initiatives to address these crises. Panelists from both NGOs underscored the links between animal exploitation, environmental degradation, and social inequities, highlighting the plight of donkeys, horses, and other animals subjected to human cruelty and mistreatment. They emphasized the need for transformative changes in global food systems, recommending policy frameworks to promote sustainable agriculture and wildlife conservation.

The session emphasized mobilizing major groups and stakeholders to drive change. Panelists outlined policy recommendations and advocacy strategies, stressing the importance of partnerships. Participants expressed renewed determination to tackle the crises, emphasizing collaboration and innovation.

In conclusion, the event marks a significant step in global environmental efforts. Civil society’s commitment to protecting ecosystems and advancing sustainability, as voiced by representatives from Brooke and World Animal Protection, is paramount. With collective resolve and collaboration, a brighter, sustainable future is achievable.
