The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Bay Area Oblate Associates Renew Promises

Oakland, CA

At the head of the table we see Oblate Bro. Moses Khisa on the far left, Fr. John Mark Ettensohn, in dark shirt, Fr. Ray John Marek in red sweater

By Fr. Jack Lau, OMI

Oblate Associates from the Bay Area (Oakland/San Francisco) Gather to renew their promise and desire to be Oblate Associates and to live in the charism of the founder.

Due to Covid and the advancing years of the members, we will be meeting twice a year with the Oblate community here in the Bay Area will journey with them along the way. At today’s meeting Ray John Marek, OMI facilitated the meeting and all were very pleased with the results. Bro. Moses Khisa, OMI,(Lacombe Province) shared a reflection regarding how the founder brought change to the Church of Aix and how formation teaches one to hear the cry of the poor/the cry of the Earth and respond to the need at hand.

We are grateful for the Associates and how they reflect upon the Oblate Charism and St. Eugene as they pray and care for others.
