The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Beacons of Hope: Young Oblates Take the Lead


Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG

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The members of the Central Government are currently on pilgrimage, visiting various Oblate Units within the Africa-Madagascar region. Kapena SHIMBOME, General Councillor for the Region, spent the past two weeks in Senegal, he shares with us how young Oblates are at the forefront of the Delegation’s mission, serving as beacons of hope for the poor and most abandoned.

A visit to the Senegal-Bissau delegation reveals a striking demographic change, with young Oblates making up most of the delegation. In the past, the leadership lay with the older Oblates, who laid the foundation for the mission in Senegal. But as the mission has blossomed, the new generation of Oblates has begun to drive the delegation forward. These young Oblates are at the forefront of the Delegation’s mission, serving as beacons of hope for the poor and most abandoned. They are involved in parishes and shrines, educational initiatives, youth work, promotion of vocations, and ongoing formation.

This week, I am visiting the various Oblate missions across Senegal and Guinea-Bissau, where a common thread is seen: communities of more than three Oblates. It is evident that the restructuring of community life, as advocated by the 37th Chapter, is well underway in Senegal. Moreover, the Oblates in Senegal are heeding Pope Francis’ call to minister in the peripheries.  They are committed to social justice and compassion by addressing the needs of the socio-economically and spiritually deprived.

This new generation is keen on building intercultural communities by drawing together Oblates from various backgrounds, including Senegal, Italy, DR Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Cameroon, and Zambia. This multicultural dynamic enriches their mission and fosters greater understanding and solidarity.

In Senegal, one particularly impactful ministry is the creation of spaces for encountering the divine. Through shrines and the active involvement of the laity in communal prayers, the Oblates are nurturing spiritual growth and fostering a sense of community. 

The new generation of Oblates in the Senegal-Bissau Delegation carries on the Oblate mission while embodying the spirit of innovation, inclusivity, and compassion essential for living the Oblate charism in today’s world.
