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General House: OMI-JPIC Assembly

General Administration - Rome

Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG

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By Jean-Hérick JASMIN, OMI

The General House community welcomes the OMI-JPIC Committee who have come to Rome for meetings December 14-18, 2023. 

The Superior General and Council have entrusted the OMI-JPIC Committee with the task of serving and animating the Congregation’s JPIC initiatives.  The OMI-JPIC Committee has focused on: Advocacy, Communion, Peace, and Activities related to Fratelli TuttiLaudato Si’, and the care for our Common Home.

During this assembly, the committee aims to:

  1. a) Listen to each participant, especially Daquin, as he shares with the committee his experience at Cop 28 and the report to be given to the Central Government.
  2. b) Complete the OMI-Laudato Si’ Action Plan draft for the whole Congregation.
  3. c) Plan the agenda for the next year (2024).
  4. d) Discuss dates for the next meetings and General Assembly 2024 and online meetings.
  5. e) Prepare reports for the January – February 2024 Plenary Session

The plenary sessions of May 19, 2023, and October 12, 2023, appointed six members to the GS OMI-JPIC 2023-2026:

  1. Fr. Jean-Hérick JASMIN, OMI, Director General, GS OMI-JPIC. (Haiti – Colombia).
  2. Fr. Raymond MWANGALA, OMI, Gen Assistant for Mission – liaison with C. Gov. (from Zambia).
  3. Fr. DANIEL LEBLANC, OMI, Representative: ONU – JCOR –VIVAT INT. (US-Canada).
  4. Fr Daquin Iyan Iyo O.M.I. ( Congo- Kenya).
  5. Rev. Fr. Jakkop Robinson SATHEESKUMAR (Ramesh), OMI. (Jaffna – Sri Lanka)
  6. FR. Roberto Carrasco ROJAS, OMI, Superior Delegation General of BOLPER,( Bolper- Peru).

The members of the OMI-JPIC Committee actively contribute their expertise and experience during meetings to assist the Director in developing plans for promoting JPIC within the Congregation. This collaboration is outlined in the JPIC Statutes, section 4.3.1.
