The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Pope Francis Praises Venerable Madeleine Delbrel, Oblate Family Member

By Harry Winter, OMI

Madeleine Delbrel

In his weekly audience of Nov. 9, Pope Francis proposed the French Dorothy Day, Madeleine Delbrel, as a model of evangelizing. For his short, page and a half homily, click here.

For her close relationship with the French Oblates click here (Jean Gueguen, O.M.I., by Father Gilles Francois, May 25, 2016

Leaders of two Oblate parishes, LauraRose Paradis at St. Casimir’s, St. Paul, MN, and Kathy Ferreira, at St. Mary’s, Georgetown, MA, have also been pushing awareness of Madeleine, click here for access to both (“Second Oblate Parish and Madeleine Delbrel, Feb. 10, 2022”).

I’m indebted to Louie Lougen, O.M.I. for notifying me about the pope’s homily.

May all members of the Oblate Family enjoy Madeleine’s comparing following Jesus to riding a bicycle.  This caught the pope’s attention.

For further information about her, open the Family/Laity page on the website Mission-Unity-Dialogue:

Click here to see the original article and video of the Pope’s reflection on the Vatican News website
