Celebrating the Black Catholic Heritage: The Fire THIS Time
Oblate School of Theology
Originally Published on OST.EDU

Saturday, November 11
Date and time
Saturday, November 11 · 9am – 12pm CST
Refund Policy
Refunds up to 7 days before event Eventbrite’s fee is nonrefundable.
About this event
- 3 hours
- Mobile eTicket
Tenth Anniversary of Sankofa
Come, Taste & See: Celebrating the Black Catholic Heritage: The Fire THIS Time
The process of celebrating Black Catholic heritage and moving forward involves remembering and recovering our history, culture and traditions.
For Black Catholic communities, national and local, foundational events, music, liturgical trends and cultural aspirations are lost to the passing of our groundbreaking ministers, practitioners and scholars into the realm of the ancestors.
Dr. Kim Harris will reflect on modern Black Catholic history through exploration of formational documents, courageous persons, often unremembered movements in music, and liturgical aesthetics.
How will we assist our communities in moving forward though this (post) COVID time? Will we be able to “write the vision” without recovering our recent and historic ancestors’ aspirations?
The presentation is sponsored by Sankofa Institute for African American Pastoral Leadership.
Dr. Kim R. Harris is the Assistant Professor of African American Religious Thought and Practice in the Department of Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. In addition to teaching courses on Black liberation and Womanist theologies, Harris leads music in a variety of liturgical and academic settings. She is a liturgist, composer and recording artist, presenting lectures on the music of the Black Catholic experience, the historic Negro Spirituals, and the freedom song of modern Civil Rights Movement. Harris is a member of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium and the North American Academy of Liturgy. She is an academic member of the African American Catholic Center for Evangelization in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, as well as a liturgical consultant for the Archdiocese of New York Office of Black Ministry. A gifted cantor, leader of song and a passionate cultural advocate, Harris earned a PhD in worship and the arts from Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. In fulfillment of her degree, she composed Welcome Table: A Mass of Spirituals, one of the complete Mass settings included in the Lead Me Guide Me Black Catholic hymnal second edition and the Gather IV hymnal (both GIA Publications Inc.). Her latest publication, with M. Roger Holland II and Kate Williams of GIA Publications is a Black Catholic Sourcebook entitled The Fire This Time.
Ronald D. (Rawn) Harbor has enjoyed various liturgical, pastoral and musical ministries in the Catholic Church since 1972. Among the many and varied activities in which he has served in the Church include:
-Director of the first gospel choir (1972) in the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C.
-Director of the Office for Worship in Wichita, Kansas;
-Pastoral Associate, Liturgical musician and Liturgist: Saint Columba Catholic Church- Oakland, CA;
-Adjunct instructor: The Franciscan School of Theology; director of music and liturgy.
-Instructor in Performing Arts Dept: University of San Francisco;
-Composer: Psalms from the Soul (OCP); Sacramental music and Psalms for both Lutheran Synods; Psalms for the Episcopal Church.
-Guest writer for Liturgy Today (Oregon Catholic Publications)
Simi-retired and now residing in Maryland, he is presently working on another collection of psalms for the Church year, acclamations for the Mass and other projects. Never one to sit still for too long, he now enjoys an affiliation with GIA Publications, serves as liturgy/music director for Our Lady of Perpetual Help in southeast D.C. and director of music and liturgy for Whitefriars Hall (O’Carm) in Washington, D.C. Invitations to compose are constant and so very enjoyable.
Registration Fee:
In-Person: $15 (includes continental breakfast)
Online: $10
Individuals can register to participate online, via Zoom Webinar, or in person, on the OST campus/WTC 101.
For those participating online: You will be able to connect to the Zoom Webinar using the Eventbrite online event page. Access will be granted upon registration for this event.
In-person participants are encouraged to bring a light jacket or shawl, a writing pad and pen, and a reusable water bottle and/or coffee mug.
Please note that this presentation will not be available for viewing at a later time. We look forward to having you join us live.
For information or to register by phone, contact Victoria Rodriguez, Associate Registrar, at vrodriguez@ost.edu or (210) 341-1366 EXT 240.