The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

2023 Season of Creation – “Cultivate a Listening Heart”

Originally Published on OMIUSAJPIC

By Maurice Lange, current Justice & Peace Director at Presentation Sisters & former Executive Director of the Oblates Lebh Shomea House of Prayer

READ: 7th part of Pope Francis’ letter for the 2023 Season of Creation (on page 2)

REFLECTION: Have you heard of the term “lebh shomea”? In Hebrew lebh shomea means “listening heart”. In synodality Pope Francis calls the Church and all people to a process of heartful listening—lest we fail our mission and our humanity. We have failed to hear the cries of Earth and people made poor, and it’s no coincidence that the next step of the synodal process begins on the feast of St. Francis. Let us immerse ourselves in the river of listening so that we become “a Church increasingly capable of making prophetic decisions that are the fruit of the Spirit’s guidance.”*


ACTION: What are you listening to? As we are bombarded each day with messages surely not from the Spirit, what filters can you creatively construct, so as to limit exposure to junk that comes your way? That way we make space within our hearts to listen deeply to each other. We can become the synodal Church that Francis is leading us toward: one that sows justice and peace, one that gives life to all.


Reflections in this series:
