Oblate Parish Holds Season of Creation Mass

Oakland, CA

By Fr. Jack Lau, posted on Facebook with thanks to OMIUSAJPIC

At Sacred Heart Parish (Oakland, CA) Season of Creation mass held on Sunday, Sept. 3rd went very well. We have the Stations of Creation, World map of interconnectivity (pins where families are around the world; Sam, an unhoused person who comes to mass for coffee, food, and discussion said he always wants to live in Bulgaria – so he put his pin there).

All new seasonal fabric and stole, sprinkling rite, the Gloria remembering the theme of the Season of Creation 2023 “Let Justice and Peace Flow.” At the end of mass, the children were invited to gather around Bro. Moses, OMI (intern year at Sacred Heart) and I said, “these children are why we Care for Creation!”. Then we all proceeded out in joy.

Fr. Jack Lau, OMI is on the left, Bro. Moses is next to him