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Fathers Gaspar and Chimese Installed as Formation Superiors in San Antonio

Bl. Mario Borzaga Formation Community

By Fr. Louis Studer, OMI, U.S. Provincial

Over 40 Oblates, Seminarians and Friends attended the ceremony.

Oblates, Seminarians, and Friends gathered at the Blessed Mario Borzaga Formation Community on Saturday evening, September 2nd, to celebrate the installation of Fr. Abraham Chimese, OMI, as Superior of the Pre-Novitiate and Fr. Juan Gaspar, OMI, as Superior of the Post-Novitiate.

Oblates Abraham Chimese and Juan Gaspar make the profession of faith before Provincial Louis Studer and the community

Assisting Chimese is Fr. Raul Salas, OMI, and Fr. Ron Laframboise, OMI and Fr. Arun Rozario, OMI, are Assistant Formators with Gaspar.

(L-R): Juan Gaspar, Arun Rozario, Abraham Chimese, Provincial Louis Studer, Raul Salas, Ron Laframboise. Celebrating the installation of Superiors Abraham Chimese and Juan Gaspar.

Both Chimese and Gaspar are new in these ministries, though neither one is new to the ministry of formation.

Formation Staff and Students at Bl. Mario Borzaga Chapel in San Antonio.

Eleven theology students are in attendance at Oblate School of Theology with four others in their pastoral year at various Oblate ministries in the U. S. Three pre-novices have begun their formation at the Henri Tempier Residence now located in San Antonio. 

Five novices began their novitiate year at Immaculate Heart of Mary Novitiate in Godfrey, IL, in mid-August. There are seven pre-novices at Casa Estudiantil de Mazenod in Tijuana, Mexico. 

Saturday began with morning Mass: (L-R): Joseph Charles, Francis Adams, Fr. Raul Salas, Fr. Louis Studer, Fr. Abraham Chimese, Michael Katona