The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Oblates Celebrate Anniversaries at IHM Residence, Tewksbury

Tewksbury, MA

By Fr. Louis Studer, OMI

An Anniversary Celebration of first Religious Profession and Ordinations was held the at Immaculate Heart of Mary Residence, Tewksbury, MA. U.S. Provincial, Fr. Louis Studer and Fr. Ray Cook were guests at the event, and Fr. Studer sent in these photos of the celebrants.

The celebrants pose for a group photo: (L-R): Will Harvey, John Hogan, Norm Comtois, Paul Medeiros, Harry Winter, George Roy, Roger Hallee, Paul Hughes, Tuan Pham, Charlie Hurkes, John Hanley, Bill Sheehan

Anniversaries Celebrated

Will Harvey: Ordained 60 years

John Hogan: First Profession: 65 years

Norm Comtois: First Profession: 50 years

Pauk Medeiros: First Profession: 65 years

Harry Winter: First Profession: 65 years

George Roy: First Profession: 50 years

Roger Hallee: Ordained 60 years

Paul Hughes: Ordained 50 years

Tuan Pham: First Profession: 25 years

Charles Hurkes: First Profession: 70 years, Ordained 65 years

John Hanley: Ordained 60 years

Bill Sheehan : First Profession 65 years

Getting ready for the celebration are: (L-R) Fathers Ray Cook, Paul Hughes, Bill Sheehan
(L-R) Fr. Dan Nassaney, Oblate Brothers Jean-Emmanuel-Meloncourt and Charlie Gilbert
(L-R) Fathers Gene Tremblay, Harry Winter
(L-R) Fathers Charles Breault, Ray Marquis, Charles Hurkes.
(L-R) Bro. Richard Cote, Fathers Mike O’Hara, Charles Beausoleil.