Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI Moderates Environmental Justice Event
Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation
Originally Published on OMIUSAJPIC.ORG

In April, the Socially Responsible Investment Coalition (SRIC) held their 2023 Annual Educational Event, Environmental Justice: Reducing Ecological Impacts and Social Inequalities at Whitley Theological Center – Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX.
The event was moderated by Fr. Séamus Finn, OMI and the first ever Citizen Advocate Excellence Award was presented to Sr. Elizabeth Riebschlaeger, CCVI. Keynote speakers were, Virginia Palacios, Executive Director of Commission Shift and City Councilman Mario Bravo, representing San Antonio District 1.

Virginia Palacios, spoke on her experiences in the Eagle Ford Shale of South Texas and environmental justice. City Councilman Mario Bravo, spoke of his time working on political campaigns, eventually transitioning into work around clean energy/energy efficiency. He noted his first job after graduating from college was with the Environmental Defense Fund.
For over a decade, the honoree Sr. Elizabeth, has worked with small communities throughout the Eagle Ford Shale that are experiencing health impacts and environmental pollution from oil and gas development, helping them to navigate agency complaints and permitting processes, and drawing attention to the issues they face.