The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Coordinator of Lay Associates and Associations

General Administration - Rome

Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG

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By Fr. Raymond Mwangala, OMI (Assistant General for Mission)

Stefano Dominici: During the April-May 2023 Plenary Session, the Superior General, Fr. Luis Ignacio ROIS ALONSO received the consent of his Council to establish in the congregation the position of Coordinator of Lay Associates and Associations.

Father General has appointed Mr. Stefano Dominici, a lay associate from Italy, as the first Coordinator of Lay Associates and Association, effective 1 June, 2023. Stefano is well-known in the Oblate world. He was a member of the central team that organized the 2nd Lay Associates Congress in 2022. He was also part of the team of Associates that made a presentation at the 37th General Chapter (2022). Stefano is married to Marina and together they have 2 grown-up children, Greta and Diego.

Stefano brings to the position a wealth of gifts: his administrative gifts working in the Italian Air Force, many years of working closely with Oblates and others in the charismatic family, in Italy and the European region, his passion for mission to the poor. 

Among other things, Stefano will maintain the network of associates and associations within the congregation, and working together with others, both vowed Oblates and associates, he will propose to the Superior General and his Council ways of implementing the mandates of the 37th General Chapter on Lay Associates.

I am pleased to present to you Stefano, on behalf of Father General, and look forward to walking with him as a fellow Pilgrim of Hope in Communion.

Stefano was introduced to the General House and IRS communities during the eucharistic celebration in honor of St. Eugene on Monday, 22 May, 2023. The Superior General blessed him at the end of the eucharistic celebration and gave him the mandate to act in his name.
