The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Oblates Celebrate “Oblate Day” in Diverse Ways Around the Country

Oblates in the USA

Photos by Richard Vasquez, Fr. Kevin Collins, Fr. Jack Lau, and Will Shaw

Photo: St. Eugene presenting a copy of the Oblate Constitutions and Rules to Pope Leo XII

February 17 is celebrated each year world-wide as the anniversary of the confirmation of the institute and the approval of the Oblate Constitutions and Rules by Pope Leo XII. Below are some photos of Oblate events commemorating “Oblate Day” in Texas and Belleville, IL.

Roma, Texas

Here’s an intimate gathering of missionaries at a historic site near Roma, TX: “We gathered at the old mission chapel of La Lomita to renew our vows, make our prayers, and share a fine lunch by the river; surrounded by the spirits of the missionary Cavalry of Christ and listening to cowboy songs.” – Fr. Kevin Collins, OMI

(L-R) Oblate Fathers Nicholas Harding, Kevin Collins, Roy Snipes, Pablo Wilhem, Richard Kulwiec

Oakland, California

Oblates in the back row, second from left are, Fr.Philip Singarayar, OMI, Fr. John Mark Ettensohn, OMI, Fr. Rocky Grimard, OMI, Fr. Ray John Marek, OMI is sixth from left and at the far right, Fr. Scott Hill, OMI

This past Saturday the 18th of February, Oblate Associates gathered to celebrate the 197th anniversary of the Congregation and approval of the Constitutions and Rules at Sacred Heart Parish in Oakland. They prepared an abundant meal, then we went into the chapel for prayer and the renewal of their commitment. A reflection was given about the 37th General and how we recognize our mutual vocational call to the charism of St. Eugene.” – Fr. Jack Lau, OMI

San Antonio, Texas

“On Friday, Feb. 17, Oblate Day, Scholastics Raphael Banda and Stanco Simukonda from the Delegation of Zambia renewed their vows at Madonna Residence. Fr. Lou Studer, provincial, received their vows.  Most of the Oblates of the area gathered to celebrate the ceremony of renewal of vows and the anniversary of the approval of our Constitutions and Rules.”  – Fr. Antonio Ponce, OMI

In San Antonio Oblates gathered to watch the scholastics renew their vows
Back, (L-R): pre-novice, Jesse Lopez, scholastic, Liba Jack, Sch. Moses Khisa, Sch. Maximilien Kenfack, Fr. Basil Obieje, OMI Front: (L-R): Scho Stanco Simukonda, Sch. Raphael Banda, Sch. Musonda Chota, Sch, Etienne Kabemba, Fr. Abraham Chimese, OMI, Fr. Antonio Ponce, OMI
U.S. Provincial, Fr. Louis Studer receives the renewal of vows of Raphael and Stanco
Formation team of Blessed Mario Borzaga Formation Community with Raphael and Stanco, Back, (L-R): Fr. Antonio Ponce, Fr. Arun Rozario, Sch. Rapael Banda, Fr. Louis Studer, Sch. Stanco Simuconda, Fr. Ron LaFramboise, Fr. Abraham Chimese and Fr. Frank Santucci 

Belleville, Illinois

The Oblates gathered at the Benedictine Living Center on the grounds of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows, along with Oblate residents of the Benedictine Center and some invited Oblate Associates, HOMIs, and employees for a prayer service followed by a catered supper and fellowship.

Fr. Mark Dean led the group in prayer
Fr. Mark Dean stands by (R) as Fr. Clyde Rausch delivers one of the readings in the prayer service. Bro. Pat McGee and Associate, Nicole Younge, also read during the service.
After prayer and prior to dinner we see (L-R) Fathers Dale Schlitt, Mike Hussey, and George Knab enjoying each other’s company.
Oblate Associates (L-R) Jean Brennan, Nicole Younge, and Doroty Glatz
Fr. David Kalert with three Honorary Oblates: (L-R) Sandy Weck, Betty Rule and Gwen Stauder
(L-R) Fr. Mark Dean, Nancy and Rich Dahm, Retreat Services Manager
A festive cake topped off the meal
