Final Photos from Provincial’s Time in Zambia
Delegation of Zambia

Supper was served after Mass. We ate by candle light as the power is turned off each day from 5 p.m. till midnight. It makes it difficult for the students to study in the evening. Many of them go to bed early and then get up at midnight to study when the power is turned back on.

My visit to the pre-novitiate was a welcome opportunity to visit with the Formation Staff.
Each Formator takes direct responsibility for 6-8 pre-novices and accompanies them on their formation journey.
Two pre-novices will join the U.S. novitiate in Godfrey in August upon receiving their Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy in May. The other three will go to the novitiate in South Africa.
Vocations continue to be on the upswing in Zambia.

Fr. Studer completed his work and returned to the U.S. on January 13, 2023.