The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

8th Annual Sankofa Institute Come, Taste & See Conference

Oblate School of Theology

Originally Published on the website of Oblate School of Theology

January 21 @ 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM


Saturday, January 21, 2023 | 10AM – 3PM Central Time | In-Person and Online Options Available


COME hear from Sankofa Institute Professors and Scholars to get a TASTE of Black Church Studies & SEE how you can develop skills to become a transformational leader within a multi-cultural Christian community.

At this FREE conference, you will hear from the Oblate School of Theology professors and Sankofa Institute Council of Elders as they discuss interdisciplinary courses specific to the Sankofa Institute program to include:

–         Black Church History

–         Black Biblical Studies

–         Black Theologies

–         Sociology of Black Religion

–         Contemporary Issues in the Black Church

–         African American Christian Social Ethics

–         African American Christian Education

–         Black Church Worship and Nurture

–         Black Preaching

–         Social Justice

You will also hear from some of our Sankofa Institute Scholars and what it means to be an Oblate School of Theology student and the privileges of being a Sankofa Institute Scholar.

We look forward to meeting you so that we may build the reign of God, together.

Individuals can RSVP to participate online, via Zoom Meeting, or in person, on the OST campus/WTC 101. Individuals who RSVP for online participation will receive the Zoom link and login instructions via email one day before the event begins.

For information contact Sankofa Institute at
