The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Called to Discern God’s Call

General Administration - Rome


By Fr. Eduardo Núñez-Yepez OMI, Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG

The Oblate European Commission for Youth and Vocations held its annual autumn meeting from 3-9 November at the house of spirituality Santa Maria dell’Acero Valetri, Rome. Youth representatives from the Oblate units of Europe were present at the meeting, along with the Oblatas  and the OMMIs.

This annual meeting is always an opportunity to share what we do in each Oblate unit in our mission with young people, it is also a good time to share life, history, prayer and strong moments of encounter with God.

The meeting was marked by the joy and enthusiasm of the young people, each one was able to present the reality of their country and the work they do with young people.

We also worked on the theme of Discernment and how we can help young people in their different contexts to discern God’s call in their lives. Sister Inmaculada, from the Oblatas gave us a masterly presentation on the theme of discernment and gave us many tools to work on this theme in our units. After our reflection on discernment, a working group has been set up to work on a common vision or guidelines of action on the theme of vocational discernment based on the Oblate charism, which will help the Oblate units in Europe in their mission with young people. Sister Inmaculada, together with young members of the commission, will be in charge of drawing up this document.

During our meeting, we also had the opportunity to visit the community of Marino. The Oblates welcomed us with great joy and as true brothers. They shared with us the story of Marino and their intention to offer young people an experience of community where the values of the Gospel can be lived. Together we celebrated the diversity of our cultures through traditional food from each of our countries. It was certainly a special moment!

We are now preparing with enthusiasm to be able to animate the WYD in each of our units.

The next autumn meeting will be held on 26-31 October 2023 in Nikolaskloster, Germany.
