The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Consultation of Zambian Delegation

October 26, 2022

Dear Oblate,

Please use this link

for a “straw” ballot and a questionnaire for the Consultation of the Zambian Delegation for the appointment of Superior of the Delegation

Also attached is the list of eligible Oblates for selection as Delegation Superior.  Oblate priests and brothers who have been in perpetual vows for three years can be appointed as Delegation Superior.

This is the first, or “initial” ballot that is being sent out to the Delegation.  Please fill out the ballot and questions online and hit submit.  If you would like to have an individual consultation, please indicate that at the end of the ballot and we will set up a zoom meeting.

We will keep the link open until November 3rd.  We will than compile the results and summarize the comments.  After we have concluded the individual consultation we will send out a final ballot for the official consultation. 

List of Oblates Eligible to Serve as Delegation Superior

If you have any questions or have trouble with the online ballot please send an email to


In Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate,

Ray Cook

Antonio Ponce

Jim Chambers, email:

