The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

37th General Chapter Opens

37th General Chapter News

By Fr. Louis Studer, OMI, U.S. Provincial

Chapter 37 began this morning (September 13) with Fr. General, Louis Lougen, leading the 78 Capitulars, Oblates ministering at the General House, Oblate Scholastics, Oblate Associates, and Friends. We are meeting at the Society of the Divine Word House in Nemi, Italy, a beautiful small town about 45 minutes from Rome.

After morning Mass, we Capitulars shared coffee and conversation with one another. 

This afternoon we will learn how to use a special Tablet which will contain all needed information for Chapter proceedings. I can hardly wait!

Our accomodations are comfortable. There is a joyful spirit among us, despite many suffering from jet lag!

(Fr. Studer provided the following photos and captions from the gathering and opening moments of the Chapter)

Our chapel, with the Chapter logo, “Pilgrim’s Of Hope In Communion.”

Fr. Louis Lougen, Superior General, gives the homily at the Opening Mass of the 37th Chapter in Nemi, Italy.

Oblates from Canada, U S. Region: Ray Cook (U.S.), Richard Beaudette, Ken Thorson. (Canada)

Oblate Scholastic Mateusz Garstecki, (U.S.), Oblate Fathers, Louis Studer and Shanil Jayawardena.

Oblate Associate Sandy Prather, (Canada), Australian Provincial Christian Fini and Assumption Province Provincial Alfred Grzempa.
