The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Meeting of Capitulars at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows

General Administration - Rome

By Fr. Louis Studer, OMI, U.S. Provincial

(L-R): Oblates Alfred Grzempa, Luc Tardif, Warren Brown, Ron Rolheiser (Facilitator), Louis Studer, Ken Thorson, Harley Mapes, Remi LePage, Richard Beaudette, Ray Cook, Antonio Ponce

Ten Capitulars chosen to attend the 37th Chapter of the Congregation of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate met at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, IL, the weekend of July 8-10. This pre-Chapter meeting of Delegates from the Canada-U.S. region, along with Fr. Warren Brown, OMI, General Councilor of the Region, met to familiarize themselves with Chapter proceedings, with the Chapter Directory, to present proposals for the Chapter to consider, to discuss possible Oblate candidates for Superior General, General Councilor, and possible names for several committees which serve to ensure smooth running of the Chapter process.

Prior to the meeting the Oblates had some time to visit and catch up. (L-R) Fathers Ray Cook, Warren Brown, Ron Rolheiser, (Facilitator) and Louis Studer.

We also spent time discussing the Chapter theme, “Pilgrims Of Hope In Communion.”

Oblate Ron Rolheiser led us in our discussions and deliberations. As former Provincial and General Councilor for the Canada-U.S. Region,, he has attended a couple previous Chapters. He kept us on track with our agenda as he facilitated us throughout the weekend.

Oblates getting reacquainted: (L-R) Ron Rolheiser and fellow-Canadian, Remi LePage in front while Warren Brown chats with Harley Mapes in back

The 37th Chapter of the Oblate Congregation will be held in Nemi, Italy, September 14-October 14, 2022. During the Chapter, 78 Delegates, representing Oblates ministering all over the world, will choose a new Superior General, two Assistants General and a General Councilor who represents Oblates in each of the five regions of the world. A new Treasurer for the Congregation will also be chosen by the new Superior General and Council.

After a quick supper the men get down to work

A Chapter, which meets every six years, is the highest authority in the Oblate Congregation. During the Chapter, a few days have been set aside for retreat, particularly just before the election of the new Superior General. All Sundays are free days during this month long meeting.
