The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

79th Annual Novena to Our Lady of the Snows Continues Through August 5th

National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows

Thursday, July 28 – Friday, August 5, 2022

7:30 p.m. Mass nightly  Church of Our Lady of the Snows

Like Mary, In Communion with God

Our Blessed Mother continues to be a model of great faith, a woman who accepted God’s will in her life despite the many trials and challenges, despite times of great uncertainty and great sorrow. This year alone has given us many challenges, uncertainty and sorrows. Join us for these nine special nights of prayer, and find hope knowing that despite all of the obstacles and pain Mary endured, God was always with her, as God remains with us.

All nine Novena Masses will be livestreamed and recorded. Find the streaming video on www.snows,org

Each evening will close with praying the rosary as a community, with an outdoor procession with the statue of Our Lady .

2022 Themes

Thursday, July 28
Like Mary, We are Chosen by God to be His People

Focus:  Just as God chose Abraham as His people, we have been chosen to be His children forever.
Presider: Reverend Salvador “Chava” Gonzalez, OMI Shrine Co-Director

Friday, July 29
Like Mary, We are Called to be One with God

Focus:  As God is in our midst, let us embody his calling in our hearts and lives.

Presider:  Reverend Robert Flannery, Pastor of St. Francis Xavier, Carbondale, IL

Saturday, July 30

Like Mary, Let us be of Service to Those in Need

Focus: Like Mary, going out as an instrument of God’s blessings to those who are ill.
Presider:  The Most Reverend Michael McGovern, Bishop of Belleville

Anointing of the Sick

Sunday, July 31

Like Mary, We Present and Dedicate our Lives to God through Jesus

Focus: Let our offerings of praise and sacrifice, prayers and faith examples be pleasing to the Lord.
Presider: Rev. James Thomas 

Monday, August 1

Like Mary, We Align Ourselves to God’s Peace

Focus: Just as Mary worried as a mother, the Lord provides his protection and grace for our worldly situations.
Presider:  Reverend Louis Studer, OMI Provincial

Tuesday, August 2

Like Mary, We Embrace God’s Loving Kindness and Mercy in our Hearts

Focus: As God gifts us with his love and mercy, let us live in his graces and strength and bring about his kingdom.
Presider:  Reverend Lawrence Mariasoosai, OMI  Immaculate Conception Cathedral, San Antonio, TX

Wednesday, August 3

Like Mary, we Gather all to Recognize God in our Midst

Focus: So we may all be one, let our words and deeds be in the one mediator, Jesus Christ.
Presider:  Reverend Monsignor William McGhee, St. Augustine of Canterbury, Belleville, IL

Thursday, August 4

Like Mary, We Trust in God Wholeheartedly

Focus: Like Mary, witnessing God’s promises in our midst and lives.
Presider:Most Rev. Anthony W. Krotki, OMI, Bishop Diocese of Churchill-Hudson, Canada

Friday, August 5

Like Mary, We Continually Receive God’s Blessings in this Sacred Place
(Feast of Our Lady of the Snows)

Focus: Like Jacob, recognizing God’s blessings from this shrine (1st reading) and understanding Jesus’ mission to bring God into our lives (gospel)
Presider:  Bishop Michael McGovern
Homilist: Fr. David Uribe, OMI Shrine Co-Director

For more information, please contact Heather Miller, Coordinator of Music and Liturgy, or (618) 394-6276
