The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Second Oblate Lay Associations Congress Takes Place May 27-29

All around the Oblate World

Fr. David Muñoz, OMI

Oblates and lay delegrates who gathered in San Antonio for the congress. Front row (L to R): David Muñoz, OMI (USA); Sandra Prather, HOMI Lacombe); Solomon Lian (USA); Gee-Gee Whitehurst (USA). Middle Row (L to R): Patricia Machnio (Assumption); Frank Santucci, OMI (USA); Francis Maza (Lacombe); Mary Lou Anderson, HOMI (USA); Ken Thorson, OMI (Lacombe); Jasmine Azima (USA); Joanne Friedt (Lacombe); Richard Hall, OMI (USA); Lou Studer, OMI (USA); Erin Ryan (Lacombe); Greg Gallagher, OMI (USA). Back Row (L to R): Wedner Berard, OMI (ND du Cap); Jesse Lopez (USA); Bozena Adamiec, HOMI (Assumption); Dan Friedt (Lacombe); Keith Perkins (USA); Warren Brown, OMI (General Administration); James Taggart, OMI (USA); Bogdan Osiecki, OMI (Assumption); Aleksandra Kaszkur (Assumption); Felix Nyambe, OMI (USA); Manon Harvey (ND du Cap); Michele Divito (USA); Justyna Armatowicz (Assumption).

The Second Oblate Lay Associations Congress, “Living as Oblate People”, was celebrated on May 27-29, 2022, the 26th anniversary of the first congress which took place in Aix-en-Provence. Regional sites were chosen for these gatherings where delegates virtually connected with each other. The Canada-USA region gathered in San Antonio, TX. Although the in-person gathering was only open to delegates, Oblates and others in the Mazenodian family were able to watch the 3 hour International livestream.

The aim of the second Lay Congess was to share locally, and regionally, and at the congregational level, the depth and variety of ways of connecting with various groups of laity joined through the charism of St. Eugene de Mazenod. It was to celebrate it, connect with others, and commission us to continue living the Oblate mission in our lives, by taking an active part in that mission where we are.

The main Regional Centers were Rome; Kokotek, Poland; Latin America based out of Santiago, Chile but virtual; Manila, Philippines, Dakar, Senegal; Johannesburg, South Africa. Other groups gathered at Colombo (Sri Lanka), Yaoundé (Cameron), Sassone (Italy), Crewe (UK), Hong Kong (China), Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Kenya.

The regional gathering for Canada-US took place at Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. We had 27 delegates from the Canada-US region. 5 from Assumption Province; 6 from Canada-Lacombe; 2 from Notre Dame du Cap; and 14 from the US Province.

The online stream of all three days of the event was recorded and is available for viewing on the following YouTube link:
