The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.
More Photos From Convocation Gatherings Around the Country
2022 Oblate Convocation
Posted on May 10, 2022
EDITOR’S NOTE: Posting deadlines and my impending time off made it impossible to post all the convocation photos I received from Oblates in Tewksbury, MA and Chula Vista, CA prior to the hiatus. Here’s hoping everyone adheres to the philosophy of, “Better Late Than Never” and that you enjoy these images from California and Massachusetts.
Group photo of Oblates of California, Baja, and Alaska at Most Precious Blood Parish in Chula Vista, CA: (L-R standing) Fr. Feliciano Lopez-Ortiz, Fr. Bill Antone, Fr. Lucio Castillo, Fr. Marek Stroba, Fr. Patrick Casey. (L-R seated): Fr. Steven Montez, Fr. Paul Dass Selvaraj, Fr. Carlos Alarcon, Fr. Juan Ayala, Vicar-provincial, Fr. Jim Brobst.
(L-R) Fr. Paul Dass Selvaraj has a hearty handshake for Fr. Carlos Alarcon. Behind them (L-R) Fr. Feliciano Lopez-Ortiz and Fr. Lucio Castillo
Shown catching up (L-R seated) Fr. Juan Ayala, Fr. Jim Brobst. (Standing behind, L-R) Fr. Marek Stroba, Fr. Patrick Casey
Watching the streaming presentation around the table are: (clockwise L-R) Fr. Marek Stroba, Fr. Feliciano Lopez-Ortiz, Fr. Patrick Casey, behind Fr. Casey we see Fr. Jesse Esqueda, Fr. Carlos Alarcon, Fr. Juan Ayala. (extreme right side) Fr. Paul Dass Selvaraj
Among the invited Oblate Associates attending were: Hermie Alignay and wife, Marina
Chula Vista Associates prepared a wonderful supper enjoyed by allOblates and Oblate Associates gather for a Mazenodian Family photo
Tewksbury, MA
Across the country Oblates in the area of Tewksbury, MA gather at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Residence
At Immaculate Heart of Mary Residence in Tewksbury, MA the crowd gathers for the streaming video presentations: (On left in front, Fr. Francis Demers, Jennifer Fournier, Operations Manager at IHM, behind them, Fr. Jim Chambers, Fr. John Hanley, behind them are Bro. Paul Daly and standing is U.S. Province Office Manager, Maggie Butler. In the extreme rear, (L-R) Fr. Dan Nassaney, Fr. Charles Hurkes, behind them (L-R) Fr. Bill O’Donnell, Fr. Bill Sheehan, Fr. Richard McAlear, Bro. Jean Emmanuel Meloncourt. On the right in front are Fathers Charles Breault and George Roy
Between sessions we see (L-R) Provincial treasurer, Fr. Jim Chambers, Fr. John Hanley, (Directly behind them (L-R) Fr. Charles Beausoleil, Bro. Paul Daly, Standing in back is Fr. Stephen Conserva
(L-R front) Fr. Charles Hurkes, Fr. Harry Winter, (behind them on left) Fr. George Roy.
(L-R) Fr. Lucien Bouchard, Bro. Augustin Coté
(L-R) Fr. Dan Nassaney, Fr. Stephen Conserva, Bro. Jean Emmanuel Meloncourt, Fr. Bill O’Donnell
Digging in during a break (L-R) Fr. George Roy, Fr. Harry Winter (turned away from camera) Fr. Stephen Conserva, Fr. Charles Hurkes
Gathered around the campfire at day’s end are: (L-R) Fr. Dan Nassaney, Fr. Harry Winter