The Rules / Statutes / Constitutions as Charism Expressions of the Gospel
Oblate School of Theology
Originally Published on the website of Oblate School of Theology
May 16 @ 11:00 AM
Recurring Event

Mondays, May 2 – 16 | 11:00 am Central Time | ONLINE ASYNCHRONOUS
Charisms of Consecrated Life: Gifts of the Spirit for the Common Good
“The Rules / Statutes / Constitutions as Charism Expressions of the Gospel” is Part 3 of a three-part enrichment series primarily intended for members of institutes of consecrated life and for the associates who participate in the charism and mission of an institute, for members of the ecclesial movements, and for others who participate in groups and fraternities which have sprung from a charism.
The series consists of a weekly invitation to explore each institute’s foundation event, and how the people involved in it discerned a charism of the Holy Spirit, which is now expressed in a Rule of Life.
New content is added each week. This is an online asynchronous class, and participants will be able to view prerecorded lessons at their own pace through May 30, 2022.
Three-Part Series
Part 1: Consecrated Life as a Charism in the Church (January 24 – February 7, 2022) REGISTER FOR PART 1
Part 2: The Charism of Founders of Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Ecclesial Movements (March 14, 21, 28, 2022) REGISTER FOR PART 2
Part 3: The Rules / Statutes / Constitutions as Charism Expressions of the Gospel (register in the ‘Tickets’ section below)
- For the members of institutes of consecrated life and ecclesial movements to appreciate the richness of their charisms in a deeper way.
- For the members of each institute to see their charism as one of the “flowers” contributing to and being enriched by all the other “flowers” of the whole charismatic “garden” of the Church.
- To acquire a deeper understanding of the concept and roles of “founders”, “charisms”, and how these are expressed in the Constitutions, Rules and Statutes of an institute of consecrated life or an ecclesial movement or association.
Class Dates
This is an online asynchronous class, and participants will be able to view prerecorded lessons at their own pace through May 30, 2022. On each class date listed below, new content will be added to the resource page by 11:00 am Central Time for viewing by class participants.
Part 3: The Rules / Statutes / Constitutions as Charism Expressions of the Gospel
Presentation 1 | May 2 | There is no Rule but the Gospel |
Presentation 2 | May 9 | In Harmony with the Body of Christ Continually in the Process of Growth |
Presentation 3 | May 16 | Expressing the Charism in Words |

Fr. Frank Santucci is originally from South Africa, where he became a Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate in 1970 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1976. He did further studies at the Claretianum Institute of Theology of Consecrate Life (Pontifical Lateran University) in Rome, where he obtained a licentiate and doctorate.
He has lived in South Africa, Rome, Aix en Provence and San Antonio where he has been involved in pastoral ministry, congregational first and ongoing formation and animation of the members of the lay and religious members of the Mazenodian family throughout the world.
He is the holder of the Kusenberger Chair of Oblate Studies at Oblate School of Theology, which has an academic and an ongoing formation outreach to the Missionary Oblates and Lay members of the Mazenodian Family throughout the world.
Registration Fee: $30
Fee includes cost for Part 1. A separate registration is required for Part 1 and Part 2.
Please note: We will send you class and resource page information via email approximately one week before the series begins.
For information or to register by phone, contact Associate Registrar, Victoria Rodriguez, at or (210) 341-1366 EXT 240.