The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Revitalizing the Oblate Young Adult Group in Buffalo

Buffalo, NY

Fr. Nyambe is in the upper-left of this group shot of the young adults

By Fr. Felix Nyambe, OMI, Our Lady of Hope Parish, Buffalo, NY

The Covid pandemic changed everything in the life of the Church. The closure of Churches due to the pandemic resulted in several groups dying. The trauma and isolation due to the pandemic impacted everyone, more especially our relationship with each other and our faith in God. The shutdown of Churches caused many young people to distance themselves from the Church.   

As we are in the post-Covid era, though the pandemic is still among us; special attention needs to be given to the young people who seek a sense of belonging in the Church and society.

Responding to the signs of times, Constitution 7 of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate calls and reminds us, “We will spare no effort to awaken or reawaken the faith in the people to whom we are sent, and we will help them to discover “who Christ is.”

The formation of the Oblate Young adults in Buffalo is an effort to awaken and affirm the gifts, and talents they bring to the Church and society. Young adults come with a lot of energy. They want to participate in the life of the Church and make a difference.

The Mission statement of Oblate Young Adult states:

“The Oblate Young Adult Group is a group that seeks to draw closer to Christ and his Church through prayer, friendship, discussion, study, and service. In addition to monthly meetings, we come together for a wide range of events: social gatherings, liturgies, service opportunities, outdoor trips, retreats, conferences, etc.”

Faith leaders everywhere are dealing with similar after-effects of the pandemic, we pray for Fr. Felix’s success in re-energizing the faith lives of these young adults.
