Message from the Delegation Superior in Ukraine
Oblates in Ukraine

Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG
(This post has not yet been translated into Español)
Dear Brothers,
We cordially greet the whole Oblate world from Ukraine!

Regardless of the presence of war in Ukraine, the Oblate spirit is still zealous. As Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, we stand by the people who gather in our churches. Some of our churches and monasteries have become refugee shelters, food, and drug warehouse, and others serve as bomb shelters. In the present situation, we continue to serve people through the administration of the sacraments, the celebration of worship, and moral and spiritual support.
In each parish entrusted to us, we conduct parish ministry, which also includes people who have not been practicing before.
We collect humanitarian aid from various parts of Europe in Poland and then deliver it to our parishes, where it is distributed to the needy.
We express our sincere and deep gratitude to each of you for your support in our ministry and for the support of those who had to abandon everything to save their lives and their loved ones.
Respectfully and with prayers
Father Vitaliy Podolan, O.M.I.
Superior of the Delegation in Ukraine