The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Provincial in Buffalo for Ministry Planning and Visits

Buffalo, NY

By Fr. Louis Studer, OMI

Planning the Future of Oblate Ministry in Buffalo, New York: (L-R): Fr. Felix Nyambe, OMI, Administrator of Oblate parishes, Fr. Peter Keralus, Vicar General of the diocese, Fr. Jim Brobst, OMI, Vicar Provincial, Fr. Louis Studer, OMI, Provincial.

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Fr. Louis Studer, OMI, Provincial, blesses Fr. Felix Nyambe, OMI, as he becomes Superior of the Buffalo, NY, Oblate Community. The installation as Superior took place at the foot of the Oblate Mission Cross in Holy Cross Parish. The Mission Cross was brought by Oblates to the U.S. in 1878. Oblates first came to Buffalo in 1841. Buffalo was one of the first missions established in the United States by Oblates.

Discussing Oblate Ministry in Buffalo, New York are (L-R) Fr. Tuan Pham, OMI, Fr. Art Flores, OMI, Vicar Provincial, and Fr. Felix Nyambe, OMI.

Fr. Pham recently took on the added responsibility of providing sacramental ministry for the Vietnamese community at Coronation of Our Lady Parish on Buffalo’s West side. Fr. Pham has been appointed Coordinator of Vietnamese ministry for the diocese.

Fr. Louis Studer, OMI is at the center of the children

Fr. Tuan Pham, OMI, serves as Coordinator of Vietnamese ministry in the Buffalo diocese. He introduced me to the youth group at Coronation Parish. Fr. Tuan is their Chaplain. The Oblates serve  several nationalities of East Asian peoples on Buffalo’s West Side.

Fr. Tuan meets with parishioners at Coronation Parish after Sunday Mass.
