Provincial Visits Minnesota Oblates
Minnesota Oblate Minsitries

Photos and text from Fr. Louis Studer, OMI
After 22 years ministering at the Vatican, Fr. Hank Lemoncelli, OMI, has returned to the province! He continues ministering at Christ the King Retreat Center in Buffalo, MN.
On hand to greet him upon his return is the Preaching Team at the retreat center and U.S. Provincial.
Fr. Hank lived at the Oblate General House in Rome and worked at a dicastery at the Vatican until his required retirement there. He is well known for his preaching ministry and retreats to Religious.
Welcome back, Hank!

From Buffalo, Fr. Studer stops by to visit Oblates and parishes in St. Paul

Oblates also minister in St. Paul, MN, at three parishes. Fr. Mike Powell,, OMI, is Pastor of St. Casimir and St. Patrick parishes in St. Paul and Fr. Cyprian Czop, OMI, is Associate Pastor and also ministers at Holy Cross Parish in northwest Minneapolis to Polish immigrants. Oblates have staffed St. Casimir Parish for over 100 years.