The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Jubilees Celebrated in San Antonio

San Antonio, TX

A total of 30 Oblates celebrated Jubilees of either Ordination or First Profession at the Immaculate Conception Memorial Chapel on the campus of Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio on September 20, 2021.

Fr. Raul Salas, (celebrating 40 years of Ordination) was the celebrant and Fr. Frank Santucci (celebrating 50 years of First Profession) was the homilist.

At the altar (L-R) Provincial, Louis Studer, OMI, and Jubilarians, Raul Salas, OMI and Frank Santucci, OMI. Other Jubilarians are on their left in back

Ordination Honorees

70 years

Patrick Guidon, OMI

65 years

James Foelker, OMI

Luis Valbuena, OMI

Jose Gago, OMI

60 years

Richard Philion, OMI

Ramiro Cortez, OMI

William Zapalac, OMI

James Fee, OMI

William Mason, OMI

David Ullrich, OMI

40 years

  William Antone, OMI

Raul Salas, OMI

Roy Snipes, OMI

Richard Kulweic, OMI


First Profession Honorees

70 years

William Davis, OMI

Jose Gago, OMI

Valmond LeClerc, OMI

James Miller, OMI

65 years

Richard Philion, OMI

John Castro, OMI

60 years

Charles Banks, OMI

Ronald La Framboise, OMI

John Collet, OMI

50 years

Francis Santucci, OMI

Thomas Ovalle, OMI

40 years

Edgar Garcia, OMI

Bryan Silva, OMI

25 years

John Gordon, OMI

Daniel Renaud, OMI

Celebrating 70 years of ordination, Pat Guidon, OMI prepares to go on the altar

