The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Another Missionary Post Card from Cuba


Photos and Captions by Fr. Nick Harding, OMI

Recently, Fr. Nick Harding, OMI Joined Fr. Roger Hallée, OMI  ministering in Cuba. The long-time political rival of the U.S. doesn’t seem very threatening in the photos Fr. Nick has sent. We see simple shops, horses and oxen still being used for wagons and on farms, along with 1950’s – era cars which Cubans have somehow kept running for 60 years after the U.S. imposed an embargo on trade with Cuba when Castro came to power.  Along with those old cars, the people also seem to have kept their faith intact, in a country that is “officially” non-religious.

The photos posted below include Fr. Harding’s captions

Fr Roger has a homemade pole with a little net to harvest our avocados (aguacate).

Fr. Roger Hallée on left, I’m on the right, with secretary Ira Elia In front of parish church in San Diego (Pinar del Río province). The Church was built in 1850 but rebuilt 1923.

Fr. Roger at Elia’s home (note 3 standard paintings Last Supper, Sacred Heart, Nuestra Senora de Caridad del Cobre).

1953 Ford at gas station closed because workers have Covid.

Oxen are very common here for plowing but also carts and “rastras”

Me with mamey fruit ( zapote) from tree in the parish yard. Taste like carrots/pumpkin/peach..

I am holding almonds and Nini.
