More Photos from Fr. Nick in Cuba Mission
Photos and text by Fr. Nick Harding, OMI
Fr. Nick Harding hasn’t been in Cuba for long, but he clearly relishes the sights and sounds of his new assignment. Here is a new flight of photos from Fr. Nick with his colleague, Fr. Roger Hallée, OMI, from their ministry in Cuba.

“With some fruits from our trees guayaba and maracuya , in other hand carambola from down the street. Note little House behind which is my room to sleep and wash; orchids just bloomed.”

“Fr Roger (Hallée) cutting banana in our yard. Some to cook”

“Parishoner gave US delicious chirimoya fruit and corn and aguacate”

“Fr. Roger Hallée watering orchids and grapevine”

“In rural area a parishoner grows coffee which is very scarce, here grinding some.”

“Rice drying in the street next to our parish church in los Palacios.”

“Trikes mando powered and horsedrawn carts are main public transportation.”

“Home made vehicle constructora by neighbor called Rickinbillies with water pump motor and Russian differential.”

“1953 Oldsmobile Rocket 88 but with Fiat diesel engine, note I have umbrella for the Sun as many people do.”