The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate serve poor and abandoned people in the United States and 70 countries around the world.

Father General Returns to Rome, Sends Thanks

General Administration - Rome

Originally Published on OMIWORLD.ORG

Click here to see the letter en Español

Dear Oblates and Friends,

I hope you continue in the joy of the Easter season and also in remembering Mary, the Mother of Jesus, in this month of May!

I would like to communicate that after a successful surgery, and a month of recuperation in the United States, I arrived at our General House in Rome on Monday, May 3, 2021. I am feeling very well, although with less energy at this time, but the doctor said that will improve in the coming months.

I want to express my most profound gratitude for your prayers and support during the past seven months as I awaited surgery. You sustained me by your prayers and messages of support. I am very thankful. I was unable to respond to all the emails, letters and cards that poured in, but please know that I have kept you also in my prayers.

Let us continue to work for a healthier world for everyone, especially for the poorest who are most afflicted by this present pandemic, and who always suffer the most due to lack of access to medical assistance.
With immense gratitude and my prayers for you,

Father Louis Lougen,
OMI Superior General
