Conference on Venerable Bishop Ovide Charlebois, OMI Available for Viewing
General Administration - Rome
A webinar celebrating the life of Venerable Bishop Ovide Charlebois was live-streamed from the Oblate General House in Rome on Saturday November 21, 2020. That one hour and fifteen-minute program with all it’s special presentations is now available for viewing.
Paolo Archiati, Vicar General.,presides over the conference which includes:
- A Reading of the Decree of the Holy See by Diego Sáez Martín, Postulator General
- Presentation: “To Become Saints by sanctifying others Sanctify the others to become saint.” By Fabio Ciardi, Director of the General Service of Oblate Studies.
- Presentation: “The Missionary Method of Ovide Charlebois” by Alfred Kerling, author of “Il Servo di Dios Ovidio Charlebois”
Click on the image below to view the entire program